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to Demolish Toxic Beliefs and Rebuild Truth[/no_custom_font]

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I’m sharing with you a life-changing prayer exercise

that helped me finally break free from lies and

rebuild healthy patterns of thinking, feeling, and living.


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just fill out the form and

 watch your email for your guide!


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This resource is based on a recent message I preached.

I heard so many testimonies afterward I knew I needed

to offer a practical worksheet to help people take the message home.

Watch the full message here >>


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Christian Speaker, Bible Study Author, Founder of The Written Retreat, Pug Mom, Wifey. Never met a sour patch kid I didn’t like. Let’s be friends!

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I’m here to help you connect with your faith in a real way. You want your faith to be the most tangible aspect of your life; but it often seems like an impossible puzzle than an exciting adventure. So let’s give you the tools to connect with Jesus, experience healing, and walk with courage in your God-given purpose!
