Hello Love Study

[no_custom_font font_family=”open sans” font_size=”17″ line_height=”23″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”650″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”0″ padding=”0″ margin=”0″ show_in_border_box=”no” type_out_strings=”no” color=”#2c3e50″]As women, we all want so badly to experience a confidence that radiates from a place of true self-love.  Often, we live in the tension of knowing we can and should love ourselves, but struggle to live it out.  The fight to love ourselves in today’s culture is real- and it’s a fight that many of us lose on a daily basis.  We struggle to silence our inner-critic and rid our minds of self-hatred and false expectations.  And we battle with giving our past mistakes the authority of telling us who we are.  Each of us faces the inner-turmoil of these fights, and everyday we sacrifice our joy and purpose when we give into self-hatred.


[no_custom_font font_family=”open sans” font_size=”17″ line_height=”23″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”650″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”0″ padding=”0″ margin=”0″ show_in_border_box=”no” type_out_strings=”no” color=”#2c3e50″]The Hello Love Study is a six-session study.  Special guest, Kaitlin Gibson, joins Laura Dudek to share their real love encounters with Jesus, as well as the powerful revelations that will guide you in your own journey to loving yourself.  This isn’t a step-by-step study in where, ‘if you do this, then you will be healed,’ but is an inspirational tool to guide you in encountering the love of Jesus Christ that will reveal a new level of embracing and loving yourself.


[no_custom_font font_family=”open sans” font_size=”17″ line_height=”23″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”650″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”0″ padding=”0″ margin=”0″ show_in_border_box=”no” type_out_strings=”no” color=”#2c3e50″]Self-love is experienced when we say ‘hello’ to the Author of love and initiate an intimate conversation with Him.  As we walk in that honest relationship with Jesus, we will finally be empowered to say to ourselves, ‘hello, love.’


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‘Hello Love’ Collection


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Bulk pricing is available upon request.  Contact Laura at info@lauradudek.com


[no_custom_font font_family=”playfair display” font_size=”40″ line_height=”60″ font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”800″ text_decoration=”none” text_transform=”none” text_shadow=”no” letter_spacing=”2″ padding=”0″ margin=”0″ show_in_border_box=”no” type_out_strings=”no” color=”#2c3e50″]

